Orientation To Technology
Orientation to technology is provided at the beginning of each scheduled term. This orientation includes instruction on accessing the student’s school account to review grades, financial accounts, etc. and setting up and accessing Microsoft® 365. This service is provided at no cost to the student while enrolled. In addition, the orientation makes available training opportunities to better acquaint students with these and other resources to help facilitate student success.
Computer Usage/Acceptable Use Policy
Emerald Coast Technical College provides computer usage and Internet access to students through the Walton County District. Students who wish to benefit from these technology resources must sign an acceptable use agreement as a condition of receiving computer use privileges. Compliance forms are available in the main office or in admissions. Students who are scheduled for computer-based testing must also comply with the acceptable use policy.
Instructors should be the first point of contact for technical support. Instructors will notfiy the ECTC Tech Contact if additional technical support is needed.