Basic Skills Testing

The following testing services are provided through the ECT Testing Center, located in building 300 on the main campus, and administered by the Testing Administrator CASAS, PERT, and TABE exams.

Except for those students who meet specific exemptions, PERT or TABE testing is required for students enrolling in CTE programs over 450 clock hours in length. Specific grade level exit scores in reading, math, and language are noted for each career education program. See the programs of study section for additional information on these score levels. Students may enroll in developmental programs, such as Adult Basic Education (ABE), if exit scores are not attained in the first testing.

Both the PERT and TABE are administered through computer-based testing in order to provide immediate score reports. Testing dates and times may vary during the year in order to accommodate increased students enrollment and registration periods. Students should present two forms of identification when registering for this test and should allow minimum of three hours for initial testing.

Students who are unsure about the testing requirement, should contact the Students Services Dean, at 850-892-1241.

Exam Examples

Students can find information below to prepare for required exams, if needed.

Students may register for testing by calling 850-892-1241.